Bangkok Deals and Hotel Deals

Bangkok Deals and Hotel Deals

Author: Hedin Johan

The airport trouble dies down.

When the airport trouble does die down in Thailand, some peoples profits will have floundered and the lives of a few will certainly be affected by the sudden slump in tourism. However, by my own experience I can foretell that because of this trouble, Thailand will be an even better place to visit in the near future. With a bit of luck, the jaded tour operators, exorbitant restaurants and money grabbing parasites will fall by the wayside and leave only the best tourist related industries to carry on. Medium to large up market hotel chains like the Tai-Pan Hotel in Bangkok have already thought about how it will weather the storm. They already have great service and great deals. Watch their space for something really special. Of course, generally speaking competition will increase all over the country, prices will drop but it will be all in the name of something good and new rather than something bad and old. Imagine yourself walking up the streets of Kao San road or through Sukhumvit and Silom with just a few tourists dotted here and there. You walk into your special five star restaurant. The prices are even cheaper than before and the staff are falling over themselves to give you the best possible service. Something you could not find easily six months ago. It will be like the good old days again, twenty or thirty years ago in Bangkok when the tourist trade was still in its infancy and the Thais really appreciated tourism and offered a special customer service second to none. Another such place that lost its tourist base due to civil unrest was Sri Lanka and it never fully recovered. Although still a great destination for the odd tourist group, it never has been able to salvage its reputation as a holiday-maker hotspot. Like the Thais, the people are warm, friendly and hospitable and in many ways have quite a few other similar traits. They are also mainly Buddhists. Another country with fabulous beaches and a once flourishing tourist trade before political unrest was of course Mogadishu believe or not, their beaches are reportedly some of the best in the world-but I won’t even go there.

Here comes the deals.

As soon as the troubles have passed, all will be back to normal in Bangkok and it is then that Thailand and Bangkok will try and woo the tourists back again. Look out for the cheap flights, the cheap deals, it sounds preposterous as we think about it now but the deals will be there-and they will be wonderful special deals too. The Tai-Pan Hotel in Bangkok already has some great deals in place, a hotel slightly set back from the bright lights of the city for location-but not too far from other city access hubs. This hotel allows for peace and tranquillity and provides much needed relaxation for guests who wish to enjoy great nightlife and shopping with a touch of tranquillity and Shangrila. For people who want to feel special this hotel has it all.

About the Author:

For those great Bangkok hotel deals check out the Tai-Pan hotel website. Very soon we will see a Bangkok hotel special for additional promotions.

Article Source: - Bangkok Deals and Hotel Deals

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